UFPayments 1.2 release

In this release we have done some minor performance improvements, fixed some bugs and we are introducing the all-new Amount Picker. This new Answer Type enables you to customize transaction amounts with precision and flexibility, providing an even more seamless and tailored payment experience for your users.


Amount Picker

The Amount Picker offers granular control over transaction amounts, allowing you to set precise figures tailored to your specific use case. Whether you're collecting donations, processing orders, or offering subscription services, this feature ensures you have the flexibility you need.

Check out the documentation to get started with Amount Picker.

Coming next

We are working hard to improve and enhance UFPayments.

We have some features on the roadmap which we are planning to release the coming months, these are:

  • Adding Stripe as a payment provider (target release date: end of december 2023).
  • Providing payment analytics in a content app (target release date: end of january 2024).


Your feedback matters

We're committed to continually enhancing UFPayments to meet your evolving needs. Your feedback is invaluable to us! If you have any questions, suggestions, or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@kodblue.com.